of something new: change new method or practice..Synonyms (invention, excogitation,
2.PROMOTION(avancim,ngritje)-advancement, furthering, encouragement activity that supports or encourages. The action of raising someone to a higher position or rank. Antonym(demotion)
3. PUBLIC SECTOR-The section of the economy under government control;The part of an economy that is controlled by the state.
4.SUBORDINATE(vartës,nënrënditës,I nënshtruar)- One who is subservient someone under the authority of another;Place an a position of lesser importance.
*Planning(setting objectives)
*Integrating(motivating and communicating)
*Measuring performance
*Developing people
6.THEORY X- Assumes that most people are incapable of taking esponsibility for themselves and have to be looked after. It is the rather pessimistic approach to workers and working, which assumes that people are lazy and will avoid work and responsibility if they can.The concept that basically are workshire,lazy,manipulative and will only work under threats and punishment.
7.THEORY Y- Assumes that most people have psychological need to work. It is belived that employes enjoy their mental and physical work duties. A theory y manager belives that, given the right condition most people will want to do well at work.
8.JOB SECURITY- Is probability that an individual will keep his or her job.
9.WAGES(rrogë,page,pagesë)- Compensation for work; just reword recompense.;Money paid(per hour or day or week) to manual workers.
10.UNSKILLED(pa përvojë, I pakualifikuar)- Untrained, inexpert,amateur without any particular abilities acquired by training.
11.JOB ROTATION- is a management technique that assigns trainees to various jobs and departments over a period of a few years.
12.HIEARCHY OR CHAIN OF COMMAND- (System in which persons or things are arranged one above the other according to rank);(group which governs);(the organization of the people at different ranks in an administrative body);(chain of command order of authority form highest to lowest)-Line authority- People in order of power, chain of sommand.The power to give instructions to people at the level below in the chain of command.
13.WIKINOMICS(from wiki, the Hawalian word for quick,and economics) This means collaborating with people outside the traditional corporate structure,letting people around the world cooperate to improve an operation or solve a problem.
14.MATRIX MANAGEMENT- Its another way to get round hierarchy in which people report to more than one superior.
*Sole Proprietorships
2.PROMOTION(avancim,ngritje)-advancement, furthering, encouragement activity that supports or encourages. The action of raising someone to a higher position or rank. Antonym(demotion)
3. PUBLIC SECTOR-The section of the economy under government control;The part of an economy that is controlled by the state.
4.SUBORDINATE(vartës,nënrënditës,I nënshtruar)- One who is subservient someone under the authority of another;Place an a position of lesser importance.
*Planning(setting objectives)
*Integrating(motivating and communicating)
*Measuring performance
*Developing people
6.THEORY X- Assumes that most people are incapable of taking esponsibility for themselves and have to be looked after. It is the rather pessimistic approach to workers and working, which assumes that people are lazy and will avoid work and responsibility if they can.The concept that basically are workshire,lazy,manipulative and will only work under threats and punishment.
7.THEORY Y- Assumes that most people have psychological need to work. It is belived that employes enjoy their mental and physical work duties. A theory y manager belives that, given the right condition most people will want to do well at work.
8.JOB SECURITY- Is probability that an individual will keep his or her job.
9.WAGES(rrogë,page,pagesë)- Compensation for work; just reword recompense.;Money paid(per hour or day or week) to manual workers.
10.UNSKILLED(pa përvojë, I pakualifikuar)- Untrained, inexpert,amateur without any particular abilities acquired by training.
11.JOB ROTATION- is a management technique that assigns trainees to various jobs and departments over a period of a few years.
12.HIEARCHY OR CHAIN OF COMMAND- (System in which persons or things are arranged one above the other according to rank);(group which governs);(the organization of the people at different ranks in an administrative body);(chain of command order of authority form highest to lowest)-Line authority- People in order of power, chain of sommand.The power to give instructions to people at the level below in the chain of command.
13.WIKINOMICS(from wiki, the Hawalian word for quick,and economics) This means collaborating with people outside the traditional corporate structure,letting people around the world cooperate to improve an operation or solve a problem.
14.MATRIX MANAGEMENT- Its another way to get round hierarchy in which people report to more than one superior.
*Sole Proprietorships
*S Corporations
*Limited Liability Company (LLC)
16.OUTSOURCING(nënkontraktor)-(To use other companies to do work your company previously did itself);(contract workers from outside of a company to perform specific tasks instead of using company employes)
*Multi-active cultures
*Reactive cultures
18.LINEAR ACTIVE CULTURES ARE:such as Britain, the USA and Germany are generally organized and rational, try to act logically rather than emotionally,plan in advance,and like to do one thing at a time.They think rules apply to everybody.They are individualist.
19.MULTI ACTIVE CULTURES ARE: In Southern Europe,Latin America andAfrica
attach more importance to feelings, emotions and intuition and time. They are
essentially collectivist.
*S Corporations
*Limited Liability Company (LLC)
16.OUTSOURCING(nënkontraktor)-(To use other companies to do work your company previously did itself);(contract workers from outside of a company to perform specific tasks instead of using company employes)
*Multi-active cultures
*Reactive cultures
18.LINEAR ACTIVE CULTURES ARE:such as Britain, the USA and Germany are generally organized and rational, try to act logically rather than emotionally,plan in advance,and like to do one thing at a time.They think rules apply to everybody.They are individualist.
19.MULTI ACTIVE CULTURES ARE: In Southern Europe,Latin America and
20.REACTIVE CULTURES ARE:in Asia prefer to listen to
and estabilish the other’s position and then react to it. They try to avoid
confrontation and don’t want to ‘’lose face’’ or cause someone else to.They rarely
interrupt speakers and often avoid eye contact.
21.INDIVIDUALIST- is the one who acts or thinks independently.They believe in respecting rules,regulations and contracts.
22.COLLECTIVIST- the one who belive that the group is more important than the individual.
23.CILOCALIZATION-(an invented word combining world wide and regional concerns);(act of creating products or services designed for global trade but costumized to fit local culture or laws)
24.STATUS- respect, prestige or importance given to someone.
25.RECRUITMENT(bashkangjit,përzgjedhje,punësim);(refers to the process of attracting,screening and selecting a qualified person for a job). Synonym: (enlisting)
26.SHORTLIST- is a list of candidates for a job, prize, award, political position, etc., that has been reduced from a longer list of candidates.
27.COVERING LETTER(letër shoqëruse me shpjegime)- The covering letter explains why you want the job. It should be specific to the job you’re applying for, adapted to the target organization.
28.INTERVIEWEE- A person who is interviewed.
29.INTERVIEWER- A person who interviews.
30.CRITICAL MASS(masë kritike);(the minimum size or amount of resources required to start or maintain a venture);(The number of people needed to start and sustain a change)
31.OUTPERFORMING(mboshtë)-(be or do something to a greater degree)(doing better than others,financially).Synonym: (surpass,exceed)
32.RETURN ON EQUITY- The amount of money a company earns on the investment of It’s shearholders.
33.COMPULSORY(I detyrueshëm)Synonyms: (mandatory, required) Obligatory,enjoined by authority,necessary,due to compulsion.
34.QUOTA(pjesë,kuotë;sasi e caktuar;numër I lejuar)- Maximum quantity;upper limit;limited quantity,restricted amount.
35.COMPLIANCE(pëlqimi,pajtimi,lëshim;nënshtruar,bindje)- the act adhering to, and demonstrating adherence to, a standard or regulation.
36.APPRENTICES(nxënës-në zanat;fillestar,praktikant)- A person learning a trade from a skilled employer.
37.CONVERT(shkëmbej)- (Give one thing in return for another);(replace one thing with another,trade,burter); Synonym(exchange,cahnge) ex: convert money
38.THE PRIMARY SECTOR- Includes agriculture and the extraction of raw materials from the earth.
39.THE SECONDARY SECTOR- Includes manufacturing industry in which raw materials are turned into finished products.
40.THE TERTIARY SECTOR- Includes the commercial services that help industry produce and distribute goods to their final consumers, as well as activities such as education,health care,leisure,tourism and so on.
41.REAL ESTATE- Permanent lands and the attached buildings
42.LABOUR(punë)(work done in return for money);(work especially hard physical work) Synonym (toil)
43.INVENTORY- Is a company reserves of raw materials parts work in process, and finished products.
44.PLANT- Is a collective word for all the buildings,machines,equipment,and other facilities used in the production process.
45.ECONOMIES OF SCALE- gives big companies access to a larger market by allowing them to operate with greater geographical reach.
46.LEAD TIME- Is the time needed to perform an activity such as manufacturing a product or delivering it to a sonsumer.
47.RISK PREMIUM- The potential cost of takeing a chance
48.DISRUPTIVE – Causing trubel and stopping something from continuing as usual. Synonyms (upsetting;disturbing)
49.PROSPERITY- The state of being successful and having a lot of money. Synonym(successfulness)
50.AGILE(I shpejtë, I gjallë)- able to move quickly and easily. Synonym(nimble,quick,fast)
51.ESTIMATE(vlerësoj)- (a guess of what size or amount of something might be) Synonims: (estimation,approximation)
52.LEARN OF PRODUCTION- Using small quantities and avoiding any waste.
53.LOGISTICS(designing and managing the flow of goods,information and other resources)
54.PULL STRATEGIES- are based on current demand
55.PUSH STRATEGIES- are bused on: estimates of future
demand and begins according to the planned production lead time.
56.BOUNTIFUL- providing a large amount of good things.
57.REWORKING-(revise,amed,alter,change)- changing or improving a product or service.
58.SCRAPPING-(throw away,discard)(things that couse difficulties)
59.WORRANTIES-(autorizim,garanci)(It’s a written promise to repain or replace products that develop a fault)
60.OUTLETS(treg)- Places of business for selling goods to costomers. Synonym(shops,stores,kiosks)
61.PRODUCT MIX- all the different products, brands and items that a company sells.
62.RETAILERS(shitës me pakicë)- Buisnesses that sell good or merchandise to individual consumers.
63.BRAND RECOGNITION- The extent wo which consumers are aware of a brand, and know it’s name.
64.MARKET SHARE- The sales of a company expressed as a percentage of total sales in a given market.
65.BRAND SWITCHERS- consumers who buy various competing products rather than being loyal to a particular brand.
66.DISTRIBUTION CHANEL- all the companies or individuals(‘’middlemen’’) involved in moving goods or services from producers to sonsumers.
67.MARKET PENETRATION- the stategy of setting a low price to try to sell a large volume and increase market share.
68.MARKET SKIMMING- setting a high price for a new product to make
maximum revenue before competing.21.INDIVIDUALIST- is the one who acts or thinks independently.They believe in respecting rules,regulations and contracts.
22.COLLECTIVIST- the one who belive that the group is more important than the individual.
23.CILOCALIZATION-(an invented word combining world wide and regional concerns);(act of creating products or services designed for global trade but costumized to fit local culture or laws)
24.STATUS- respect, prestige or importance given to someone.
25.RECRUITMENT(bashkangjit,përzgjedhje,punësim);(refers to the process of attracting,screening and selecting a qualified person for a job). Synonym: (enlisting)
26.SHORTLIST- is a list of candidates for a job, prize, award, political position, etc., that has been reduced from a longer list of candidates.
27.COVERING LETTER(letër shoqëruse me shpjegime)- The covering letter explains why you want the job. It should be specific to the job you’re applying for, adapted to the target organization.
28.INTERVIEWEE- A person who is interviewed.
29.INTERVIEWER- A person who interviews.
30.CRITICAL MASS(masë kritike);(the minimum size or amount of resources required to start or maintain a venture);(The number of people needed to start and sustain a change)
31.OUTPERFORMING(mboshtë)-(be or do something to a greater degree)(doing better than others,financially).Synonym: (surpass,exceed)
32.RETURN ON EQUITY- The amount of money a company earns on the investment of It’s shearholders.
33.COMPULSORY(I detyrueshëm)Synonyms: (mandatory, required) Obligatory,enjoined by authority,necessary,due to compulsion.
34.QUOTA(pjesë,kuotë;sasi e caktuar;numër I lejuar)- Maximum quantity;upper limit;limited quantity,restricted amount.
35.COMPLIANCE(pëlqimi,pajtimi,lëshim;nënshtruar,bindje)- the act adhering to, and demonstrating adherence to, a standard or regulation.
36.APPRENTICES(nxënës-në zanat;fillestar,praktikant)- A person learning a trade from a skilled employer.
37.CONVERT(shkëmbej)- (Give one thing in return for another);(replace one thing with another,trade,burter); Synonym(exchange,cahnge) ex: convert money
38.THE PRIMARY SECTOR- Includes agriculture and the extraction of raw materials from the earth.
39.THE SECONDARY SECTOR- Includes manufacturing industry in which raw materials are turned into finished products.
40.THE TERTIARY SECTOR- Includes the commercial services that help industry produce and distribute goods to their final consumers, as well as activities such as education,health care,leisure,tourism and so on.
41.REAL ESTATE- Permanent lands and the attached buildings
42.LABOUR(punë)(work done in return for money);(work especially hard physical work) Synonym (toil)
43.INVENTORY- Is a company reserves of raw materials parts work in process, and finished products.
44.PLANT- Is a collective word for all the buildings,machines,equipment,and other facilities used in the production process.
45.ECONOMIES OF SCALE- gives big companies access to a larger market by allowing them to operate with greater geographical reach.
46.LEAD TIME- Is the time needed to perform an activity such as manufacturing a product or delivering it to a sonsumer.
47.RISK PREMIUM- The potential cost of takeing a chance
48.DISRUPTIVE – Causing trubel and stopping something from continuing as usual. Synonyms (upsetting;disturbing)
49.PROSPERITY- The state of being successful and having a lot of money. Synonym(successfulness)
50.AGILE(I shpejtë, I gjallë)- able to move quickly and easily. Synonym(nimble,quick,fast)
51.ESTIMATE(vlerësoj)- (a guess of what size or amount of something might be) Synonims: (estimation,approximation)
52.LEARN OF PRODUCTION- Using small quantities and avoiding any waste.
53.LOGISTICS(designing and managing the flow of goods,information and other resources)
54.PULL STRATEGIES- are based on current demand
55.PUSH STRATEGIES- are bused on: estimates of future
demand and begins according to the planned production lead time.
56.BOUNTIFUL- providing a large amount of good things.
57.REWORKING-(revise,amed,alter,change)- changing or improving a product or service.
58.SCRAPPING-(throw away,discard)(things that couse difficulties)
59.WORRANTIES-(autorizim,garanci)(It’s a written promise to repain or replace products that develop a fault)
60.OUTLETS(treg)- Places of business for selling goods to costomers. Synonym(shops,stores,kiosks)
61.PRODUCT MIX- all the different products, brands and items that a company sells.
62.RETAILERS(shitës me pakicë)- Buisnesses that sell good or merchandise to individual consumers.
63.BRAND RECOGNITION- The extent wo which consumers are aware of a brand, and know it’s name.
64.MARKET SHARE- The sales of a company expressed as a percentage of total sales in a given market.
65.BRAND SWITCHERS- consumers who buy various competing products rather than being loyal to a particular brand.
66.DISTRIBUTION CHANEL- all the companies or individuals(‘’middlemen’’) involved in moving goods or services from producers to sonsumers.
67.MARKET PENETRATION- the stategy of setting a low price to try to sell a large volume and increase market share.
69.PRODUCT DIFFERENTIATION- making a product (appear to be) different from similar products offered by other sellers,by product differences,advertising,etc..
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